Drink Up!

WATER   WATER   all around and I didn't drink a drop ..?

The Human Body is made up of 65-70% water (with variations based on age, sex, body type, health condition etc.). 2/3 of this water is inside the cells and 1/3 outside the cells.

All metabolic process require water to operate and proper hydration is essential for maintenance of normal body functions.

Drinking 5-6 glasses on waking up is worth trying for a week as a body cleanse and the daily water maintenance adjusted according to your doctor's advice.

You can make infused water by adding your favorite seasonal fruit and herbs such as pomegranate seeds , apples and lemon or orange slices(limonada), cucumber slices, mint leaves and lemon or orange slices for a refreshing pitcher of "vitamin rich water". Lots of room for creative beverage ideas!


  • 1/4 red cabbage (may use spinach or kale )
  • 1 carrot (medium)
  • 1/2 beet
  • 1 green apple (granny smith) may substitute with gala or honey crisp
  • 1-2 stalks celery
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 1 finger ginger (and or turmeric) peeled
  • 1/4 bell pepper (any color)
  • 5-6 strawberries
  • 1/4 cup or 8-10 blueberries (may use mulberries or your berry choice in season)
  • 6-8 dashes cinnamon 

Quarter veggies and fruit or chop as desired so Nutri Bullet, Vitamix or blender function with ease. Gradually grind, pulse and speed up as needed and Don't Forget to add WATER  to make the  smoothie of your desired consistency.

May add honey to sweeten a bit if no beets.

Makes a great dessert too with 1/2 organic yoghurt and 1/2 smoothie. Shelf life variable (refrigerate!) depending on location and how well your fridge is working but usually lasts a week.

Best made FRESH with the freshest ingredients (but frozen fruit will do if you don't have much time.

Personally, I add nuts and seeds to my yoghurt smoothie concoction. Sprinkle : chopped walnuts, pecans,raisins,dried cranberries,sunflower seeds(unsalted),pepitas,cashews,pomegranate seeds or your ORGANIC nut and seed preference! 

Once a week of this ENERGY BOOSTER is great if you can't whip this up daily (but as you can make on weekends, can use a dollop or two on your cereal or yoghurt daily, Store in a glass jar. (IKEA has cheap sturdy ones). Must REFRIGERATE!

Trader Joe's , Aldi and even Ralphs/Gelsons/Pavilions stores have great organic sections.

Be creative. Substitute a bit if  some ingredients are not available. Proportions are just suggested . Serving size varies on the Consumer so Have Fun and Bon Apetit!

Bettina Limjoco