Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy developed alongside the invention of electricity. Electrical current running through coils creates a magnetic field that synchronizes our cells to the earth's magnetic field. Other "EMF's" are damaging to the cells such as those created by cellphones, televisions, computers, electrical devices, high tension wires, satellite waves..etc.

A predecessor of the PEMF machines used in clinics is  Transcranial Magnetic Field stimulation used in the field of Psychiatry for Bipolar Depression. 

Nowadays, PEMF' has found its common use in healing  fracture nonunion or delayed union . 

There are multiple PEMF applications for the treatment  (or adjunctive treatment)  of various painful  Nerve and Vascular conditions :

Migraine, Low back pain, Neck pain, Peripheral Neuropathy , Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease.  Bowel Obstruction, Lymphatic Obstruction, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy , ADHD and Autism. 

A simple "BRAIN  RESET" with 3 sessions of PEMF leaves the normal but agitated patient (due to constant EMF overload from cellphone and  computer use or environmental EMF exposure) with clearer thinking, a more relaxed state , better sleep especially if coupled with a healthy diet, adequate hydration and proper daily exercises.